General Meeting Minutes for 2019 

Grand Island Lions General Meeting
January 23, 2019

Attendance:  in attendance 11 Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Bob Goulding, Fred Ruocco, Tom Rusert, Paul Bassette, Beverly Kinney, Paul Krupa, Brooks Rimes, Donna Lavallee

Lion President Shelia Ferrentino called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM Pledge: Bob Goulding, Bev Kinney song, Paul Bassette; prayer.

Lion Tom Rusert made a motion to the tail twister, seconded by Lion Shelia, all in favor.  Lion Fred circulated with questions.

Split Club: Lion Tom:  Total in the split club is $27 drew Norm Hahn, Absent, Bob Christman, absent, Tom Witkowski drew a silver nugget. 50 nuggets left.

Committee Reports:
Treasurers Report:   Lion Tom Witkowski reviewed the balances in the General and Welfare funds. All members received a copy of the Budget via email. There was a motion via email by Tom Witkowski for acceptance with Lion Dick giving the second.  Ayes were received by Lions Anne, Kelly, Tom Rusert, Cindy, Bob Goulding and Paul Krupa. There was a motion to accept the report at the meeting by Tom R, seconded by Lion Paul K. All in favor.
Correspondence:  Thank you from Miranda Proctor. She offered to come and speak to us about her trip to Peru, the Lions Club of Mexico and Peru. Lion Dick will invite her to come speak at the meeting at our March meeting at the Highway Garage.
Melvin Jones and Uplinger:  We will have an Uplinger award this year. Past recipients of these awards will be contacted by Lion Paul B for nominations. We need an additional $250 before we can award a Melvin Jones award. Lion Treasurer Tom indicated that we made a donation to the DG of $250 which would bring us up to the $1000 necessary. Lion Tom will clarify. We have 3 years to award this Melvin Jones award.
Vision Screenings: in the GI Public schools and St Stephens.  Kaegebein and Huth Rd, 79 and 96 students with 5% being referred for further evaluation, Tom Witkowski, Paul Bassette and Cindy Sharpe were the Lions from our club. Tomorrow is Sidway with 412 students, help from Mike Lakowski and Anne Perelli, and 4 others from Kenmore and Tonawanda clubs.  There are 2 children in need of eyeglasses at Sidway, Lion Tom W will be in contact with the school nurse about this tomorrow.
Footprint festival: Beaver Island State Park January 26 from 11-5 PM. Bev Kinney: Parks Department, Greenway commission, Grand Island Chamber of Commerce, Niagara Frontier Publications There are many activities involving vendors and River Lea, Farmers Market Bird watching and bluegrass band, food, bonfire, snow shoes and much more.  This is all free to the public.
Membership committee: Tom Rusert, we are stuck at 2 new members
Bottle Junction: $130

Lion Bob Goulding addressed the club with a program to provide the entire club with a envelope that has a magnetic Lions Logo with 5 cards for people that ask questions regarding Lionism.  The small card provides information about the club.  Lion Bob will chair this endeavor.

Lion Brooks Rimes:  The Olmstead Center for Sight.  Lion Brooks has had contact with the employees that work on incoming calls.  Lions Brooks has written some new software to help the limited sight employees. 

A flyer has circulated for a group called Save the Michaels and organization to support individuals and their families with addiction problems.  Lion Tom W is going to the next meeting which will be the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. 

Motion to adjourn Lion Bob G seconded by Lion Dick; Meeting adjourned at 8:39
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions General Meeting
February 27, 2019

Attendance:  in attendance 8 Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Bob Goulding, Norm Hahn, Tom Rusert, Fred Ruocco, Donna Lavallee

Motion to forgo the pledge and song, all in favor, God Bless America!  LP Shelia called the meeting to order at 6:26 PM

Lion Dick; motion to fine the tail twister $33 for responding and not showing up for the meeting, seconded by Lion Tom R. All in favor.

Committee Reports:
Spaghetti Dinner:  Lion Dick will order the tickets tomorrow.  Lion Dick will  ensure that people purchasing ads pre pay, invoices will be sent out to past advertisers to see if they are interested. Tony Dragonette will help in the kitchen.  Lion Anne will be contacted regarding the basket raffle.
A gentleman in Tonawanda who reached out to Lion Adrienne Cassata regarding an eye condition and a request for glasses.  Tonawanda Lions Club does not have a lot of funding, our club may be supporting this.  This individual is qualified through the Ross Eye Institute.  Lion Tom will be following up.
Correspondence: from Lion Tom R for Andy’s Docs Day for kids.  This was on Sunday 2/24.  The event was cut short due to bad weather.  This is in our budget, Lion Tom will issue a check.
Treasurers Report:   Lion Tom Witkowski reviewed the balances in the General and Welfare funds. All members received a copy of the Budget via email.
Correspondence:  Parents as reading Partners (PARP) at Kaegebein on 3/21, this is an invitation to read.  Lion Dick goes to this event every year.  Lion Tom R will also go. Lion Donna will email the membership to see if there is anyone else interested.
Vision Screenings: approximately 360 children on Grand Island an in Niagara Falls.  We need to cover GI nursery schools in the next month
District is hosting a Diabetes Wellness Walk May 15 5:30 registration 6:30 walk at the 5 Senses park.  Initial planning for sponsors and support.
District cabinet meeting is this Saturday, all are welcome.  At Classics V on Niagara Falls Blvd at 9 AM.

Split club: Dan Morobito, not here,  Lion Shelia $31 on the line, silver selected.
Next meeting is at the Highway Garage, Lion Donna will not be there we need a volunteer to take the minutes.  A suggestion was made to order pizza.
Motion to adjourn Lion Bob G seconded by Lion Tom W; Meeting adjourned at 6:59
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Meeting minutes for March 13,2019
Location: Grand Island Highway building

In attendance: Lion Pres Shelia, Lions Tom W., Anne F., Bob G., Tom R., Kelly M., Paul B., Dick C., Brooks R., Fred R. and Tom D.
6:30 We enjoyed a dinner of pizza and wings arranged by our guest speaker, Lion Dick Crawford.
7:00 meeting was called to order.
We toured the Highway Dept. Buildings during a presentation by Highway Superintendent, our own Dick  Crawford. The routine and operations of the department and the 18 employees was described in detail. Some of the duties are to maintain the roads, storm sewers as well as fleet maintenance for all the Towns departments such as police and water dept. There are 8 routes for plowing and the employees are subject to drug testing.
The Highway Dept employs caretakers, laborers and mechanical equipment operators. The Superintendent is charged with studying and understanding road conditions, traffic patterns and making sure that the plows properly maintain the Town roads and facilities. He is also responsible for the budget and working with the county since Erie county is responsible for some of the roads on Grand Island.

 During the meeting there was a discussion and clarification of the criteria for our Annual Attendance recognition.
Lion Shelia won $37 in the split drawing!!!
The nominating committee (Tom Rusert, Shelia Ferrentino and Paul Bassette) will put together a slate for the upcoming year

 Lion Tom W. announced that the State Convention will be the first weekend in May and that we donated 2 hearing aids to Grand Islanders.

 Lion Kelly asked for a date for the Dick and Jennys Booster night . We chose Tuesday May 7th. Please try to plan your dinner for that night at Dick and Jenny’s. It’s a fun and easy fundraiser for us.

 The Peace Poster meeting will be May 22nd.

 Lion Anne announced that Buffalo News Kids Day newspaper sale will be the morning of April 30th ..
Anne also asks that members consider donating a basket to raffle or something that can be added to a basket, for our spaghetti Dinner. Anyone interested in helping, give Anne a call or text. 440-0841
8:33 motion to adjourn: Tom W. Second Paul B

Submitted by Lion Anne Fahning

A big thank you to our Nomination Committee: Lions Tom Rusert, Shelia Ferrentino and Paul Bassette, below are next year's Nominations of Officers.  Floor nominations can also be made that evening.

Club elections will take place at our general meeting on Wednesday, April 10, 2019.

President                                  Lion Paul Krupa
1st VP                                        Lion Anne Fahning
2nd VP                                       Lion Annette Boies-Lobl
Corresponding Secretary       Lion Kelly McGarvey
Recording Secretary               Lion Donna Lavallee
Treasurer                                 Lion Tom Witkowski
Tail Twister/Lion Tamer         Lion Fred Ruocco
Director 1 year                        Lion Dick Crawford
Director 1 year                        Lion Cindy Sharpe
Director 2 year                        Lion Tom DiJohn
Director 2 year                        Lion Tom Rusert
Membership Director             Lion Paul Bassette
Immediate Past President     Lion Shelia Ferrentino
Hope to see everyone at this meeting to elect next year's officers!
Thank you, Lion Kelly McGarvey

Grand Island Lions General Meeting
April 10, 2019

Attendance:  in attendance 12 Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Anne Fahning, Kelly McGarvey, Dick Crawford, Fred Ruocco, Shelia Ferrentino, Paul Krupa, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee
Lion Fred led us in the pledge, Lion Tom  song, Lion Paul B; prayer A motion to release the tail twister, Lion Dick, seconded by Lion Paul. Moment of silence for Lion Al Ackerman.

Entertain motion to approve minutes, by Lion Tom R, seconded for Lion Paul, all in favor.

Split Club: Lion Tom: Total in the split club is $6 Lion Tom  W. drew a silver nugget.

Committee Reports:
Lion Cindy is unable to fulfill her second year on the board of directors, nominated Lion Henry, Lion Henry accepted, nominations are open, nominated Lion Paul B, declined.
Lion Tom R presented the Nomination of Officers for the 2019-2020 calendar year.   
President: Lion Paul Krupa
1st VP: Lion Anne Fahning
2nd VP: Lion Annette Boies-Lobl
Corresponding Secretary: Lion Kelly McGarvey
Recording Secretary:  Lion Donna Lavallee
Treasurer: Lion Tom Witkowski
Tail Twister: Lion Fred Ruocco
Director 1 year: Lion Dick Crawford
Director 1 year:  Lion Henry Lobl
Director 2 year:  Lion Tom DiJohn
Director 2 year:  Lion Tom Rusert
Membership Director:  Lion Paul Bassette
Immediate Past President: Lion Shelia Ferrentino
Lion Anne moves that the slate is accepted, Seconded by Lion Kelly, motion passed. 

Treasurers Report:   Lion Tom Witkowski has sent out the the balances in the General and Welfare funds. All members received a copy of the Budget via  email. 
Spaghetti Dinner is 4/29, tickets were handed out tonight.  We will be setting up at 3 PM on Sunday 4/28, an email will be sent out.  Young Life has been contacted.  Lion Dick will be contacting the Boy Scouts.  There is an ad going into the island wide dispatch.  We have 50 lawn signs.  Everyone is asked to bring a baked good for the bake sale, Lion Annette will send out an email. Tops is sponsoring us once again Lion Dan gave us the sauce recipe and we will cook the sauce with the possible help of Tony Dragonette. Meatballs have been ordered.
Lion Dick:   Starting next year we may not be returning to the
Radisson due to the $75 room fee. Some other ideas were brought forward and we can discuss this further in the summer.
Brandel Murphy Youth foundation, grants for Sidway playground, we should get a check by the next cabinet meeting.
We have asked to grill hotdogs for the Lawn mower races on Fathers Day.  We will do the grilling as a service project.  Noon to 4 PM.
District training:  on is 4/27 Lion Tom W, Lion Kelly and Lion Donna are going others are welcome contact Lion Tom if interetsed.
Convention: The convention is in Binghamton on 5/2-5/5. Interested Lions on serving as a voting delegate see Lion Tom W.
Picnic for the Blind.
SEE program: acknowledgment in the district newsletter.  District N screened over 14,000 l the closest district was 5,000. Congratulations goes to Lion Tom Witkowski for coordinating these efforts. Lion Tom will be starting with the Island Pre-schools to be done before the end of May.
Merritton meeting is on 4/24 at Merritton.
Booster night at Dick and Jenny’s on Tuesday May 7, 2019, coupons will be available on Spaghetti dinner night.
Corresponding Secretary: Lion Kelly; OP diamond anniversary October 5, 2019.  Governors dinner at testimony honoring DG Jeff Jarvis, Thank you from Young Life $300 donation.  Invitation Thank you for $250 donation to Lion International.  Request form SPCA to sponsor Paws at the Pub.
Tickets: 6 tickets for Bermuda Lions Foundation the club has purchased 3, 3 more are available to $100/ticket.
Tickets for a fundraiser for a playground sponsored by Lions club in Lewsiton.

Motion to adjourn Lion Paul B seconded by Lion Henry; Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
May 08, 2019

Attendance: (10 in attendance) Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Kelly McGarvey, Anne Fahning, Bob Goulding, Fred Ruocco

Lion President Shelia Ferrentino called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. 
Lion Tom W led us in the Pledge to the Flag, Lion Paul K led us in a patriot song and Lion Tom W led us in prayer
Release of the Tail Twister

Split club: Lion Dan M and Lion Annette, Tom B. Gerry D, Samantha Lion Shelia, silver kiss Til next time…..Lion Tom bought goodies from the convention Lion Anne won this basket.

Lions District Blind Picnic: Date is June 14, 2019 contribution of $100 is in the general budget, Lion Tom made a motion to make a yearly contribution prior to the event, seconded, all in favor

Spaghetti Dinner: Lion Tom requests that the monies be counted prior to the event being closed.
We will be doing this from this point forward.  Totals are:
• $3420/dinners not counted children over 400 dinners
• $1520 on baskets
• Silent auction $60
• 50/50 $299
• Bake Sale $289
Net income after expenses was $4097.54

State convention:
• The Brandel Murphy youth foundation matching $1000 grant came through, for the Sidway playground. We will invite Jeff Jarvis and Denise Dunbar and CJ Gerard from Sidway to the next meeting to present the donation of $2000.
• Vision Screening: at convention the Lions SEE program can be used as a replacement for the Snellen eye chart.
•  2020 the convention is in Buffalo, NY.

Corresponding Secretary: Lion Kelly communications
• Dick and Jenny’s $105 fundraiser, check will be forthcoming
• Wings Flight of Hope fundraiser, ticket $35
• Excalibur:  In the City of Buffalo, donations for this year’s event, donation is in the budget for $500.

New members:  Lion Kelly will be collating an information pack for new members including more general personal information. Lion Donna there were a lot of good ideas shared at the District training.  This information will also be shared to the general club to fill out.

Committee reports:
Spaghetti Dinner:   Lion Anne thanked the committee and club members for their donations.
Thank you from Lion Tom R on behalf of Lion Dick, food quantities will be adjusted.  The lawn signs helped a lot. We will plan on 400-450 attendees next year. Maybe we need better signage inside to direct people that have pre-paid tickets.  We need one more table after people buy the tickets at the door. Put only 2 signs on each intersection, we will try this before we purchase additional signs. Need a PA system, we used Bev Kinney’s this year.

Membership: We will hopefully gain some new members
Peace Poster: Winners will be at the next meeting at the BLC 5/22/19 directors meeting to follow.
Kids Day Papers: Tuesday 4/30, best year in the past 5 years we sold out all of our newspapers.
Installation Dinner:  June 12, 2019 at the Buffalo Launch Club
Dinner in the Dark:  Invitations will be sent out soon.

New business:
The service for Lion AL Ackerman was attended by 8 Lions
We received a patch for the Leo Leadership

Motion to adjourn Lion Paul, seconded by Lion Tom W meeting adjourned 8:27PM.
Next meeting is 5/22/19 at the BLC Peace poster winners.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Wednesday, May 22, 2019 Lions Club Meeting at BLC

Attendees:  Paul Bassette, Rom Rusert, Shelia Ferrentino, Kelly McGarvey, Tom Witkowski, Tom Butler, Bob Goulding, Dan Mortabito and Anne Fahning (but had to leave for an emergency).
Guests:  Peace Poster Winners:  1ST PLACE - Hanna Susman (7th Grade) and her Mom.  2nd PLACE – Bridge Dugan (7th Grade) and her parents
New Member Applicant:  Kimberly Pressley brought in by Member Sponsor - Bob Goulding
Meeting called to order by President Shelia.  Tom Rusert stepped in as Tail Twister, No Winners.
Split Club – Paul Bassette’s name pulled by Hanna Susman. He picked a silver nugget. Approx. $10.00 in pot and continues till next winner.
Paul Bassette introduced both Peace Contest winners and each of them explained their poster and gave their version of “What Peace means to them”.  Pres. Shelia took pic to send to Dave Chervinsky for our newsletter.
Treasurer Report presented, no quorum so couldn’t vote to accept. $1,000 check will be presented for the Sidway Playground Fund at the June 12th Installation dinner.
LCIF Champaign 100 is into its 2nd year and looking to raise $30 Million worldwide for global efforts.  LCIF suggested that for the next 3 years if every Lion donated $6.00/month they would meet their goal. Donations can be made online – refer to our Club #8036.
Commemorating our Centennial Service Challenge 2017-2018, our club received a patch.  Patch given to Anne Fahning to add to our banner.
Tom Witkowski has 2 tickets for the June 1st Children Hospital Benefit Dinner in Niagara Falls, if anyone interested.
Corresponding Report
$100.00 check Donation was received in memory of Allen Ackerman from Mr. & Mrs. Fontanese.  Acknowledgment letter was sent to Thomas Ackerman and a Thank You letter to the Fontanese for their donation to our club. 13 members still owe dues.  Buffalo/Lackawanna Lions Club sent invite to attend a celebration for 90 years of Service on July 7th 2:00 -6:00 pm, $30.00/ticket at Wings Flights of Hope, 3964 California Road in Orchard Park.
Scholarship Committee.  Paul Bassette reported that this year only 4 applicants entered. (Usually around 20 applicants) Since only 4 applicants, a total of $2,000 is being given, not the usual $2,500.  The extra $500 will be kept for next year.  Winning breakdown: 1 - $1,000 winner and 2 - $500 winners.  3 GIHS students and 1 Sacred Heart student were the winners.  President Shelia expressed concern regarding the awareness of these scholarship to students due to lack of applicants this year.  Current scholarship breakdown is 50 pts- Community Service, 10 pts –School activities, 10 pts – Recommendations, 15 pts – Students grades and 15 pts – Written essay.  Pres. Shelia suggested the idea of putting an ad in the Dispatch so that more parents/students may become aware of our scholarships.  Paul Bassette and Mark Frentzel are going to refresh the requirements for next year program. 
Reminder that June 12th is our club’s Installation Dinner at the Radisson.  Possibly induct Kimberly Pressley if she can change her schedule, otherwise will be inducted in September. 
Meeting adjourned at 8.44 pm.  Bob Goulding motioned and Tom Rusert 2nd.  No BOD meeting as no quorum.

Submitted by Lion Kelly McGarvey


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
Installation Dinner
June 12, 2019

Attendance: (29 in attendance) Tom Witkowski, Diana Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Jane Chervinsky, Anne Fahning, Bob Goulding, Dick Crawford, Marla Crawford, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Paul Bassette, Judy Bassette, Tom Rusert, Peg Rusert, Norm Hahn, Fred Ruocco, Shelia Ferrentino, Kelly McGarvey, Beverly Kinney, Donna Lavallee. New members:  Kelly Pressley, Thomas Digati, Ashley Digati Guests:  Calvin Vandermey, Joan Vandermey, Molly Ehlenfield, Amanda Martinez, Mary Lou Chism, Jeff Jarvis

Lion Past President Henry called the meeting to order at 6:59 PM.  Pledge Lion Dave C, Patriotic song Anne Fahning and prayer by Lion Paul Bassette.

Lion Bob and Lion Tom introduced our guests. 

Lion Tom Rusert presented the new member contest winner to Lion Shelia. Lion Shelia graciously gave the money back to the club. Second place was Lion Bob.

2018-2019 Attendance/Milestone Awards:  Lion Kelly presented attendance and milestone awards,
Perfect Attendance awards
Henry Lobl, Paul Bassette, Annette Lobl, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Shelia Ferrentino, Bob Goulding, Paul Krupa, Fred Ruocco, Tom Witkowski, Tom Rusert, Kelly McGarvey and Donna Lavallee 
Annette Lobl 15 years as a Lion
Henry Lobl 15 years as a Lion
Norm Hahn 20 years as a Lion
Jerry Dubiel 20 years
Anne Fahning 20 years
Dick Crawford 30 years

Paul Bassette 45 year

DG Jeff Jarvis presented a special award to Lion Norm. A letter from the LCIF president for 20 years membership.

Robert J Uplinger:  Lion Dave presented the Robert J. Uplinger award to Lion Henry Lobl.  Lion Henry has served our club in many capacities. As president, chair of White Cane, meals on wheels, Bon Ton fundraiser as well as being available for all club functions.  Congratulations Lion Henry!!

Lion Dick presented Tony Dragonette with a plaque for his annual support of our spaghetti dinner.

13 Melvin Jones Award:  Lion Paul Bassette presented the background information on this award.  The Melvin Jones awards can be given to a Lion or a non-Lion.  This is the highest honor from Lions Club International.  This is a person who puts people and human needs first.  Lion Dick Crawford presented the Melvin Jones Award to Calvin Vandermey, pastor at Bible Fellowship Center for his work in the community.  He serves his community by reaching out to people who need help plowing 49 driveways at no cost to them as well as other community service acts. Calvin Vandermey humbly accepted the award.

Presentation of Brandel-Murphy Foundation:  Lion Tom Witkowski and DG Jeff Jarvis.  Lion Tom made a presentation to Molly Ehlenfield and Amanda Martinez to the Sidway Playground Project of $2,000 to be used towards the building of the playground.  Molly accepted the award on behalf of Sidway school.  The playground was over 20 years old, there has been a lot of fundraising and there has been enough money raised to purchase the new playground with the hopes of opening the playground in the Fall of 2019.

Installation of Officers and Directors:   DG Jeff Jarvis installed the officers for the 2019-2020 calendar year.
 President:  Lion Paul Krupa
First Vice President:  Lion Anne Fahning
Second Vice President:  Lion Annette Boies-Lobl
Treasurer:  Lion Tom Witkowski
Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Kelly McGarvey
Recording Secretary:  Lion Donna Lavallee
Tail Twister:  Lion Fred Ruocco
Lion Tamer:  Lion Fred Ruocco
Director – Two Years:  Lion Tom DiJohn and Lion Tom Rusert
Director One Year:  Lion Dick Crawford and Lion Henry Lobl
Immediate Past President:  Lion Shelia Ferrentino

Transfer of GI Lions Club Paraphernalia:  Lion Shelia transferred the official gavel, charter and bell to Lion Anne Fahning on behalf of Lion President elect Paul Krupa.

Induction of new members:
DG Jeff Jarvis had the honor of conducting the ceremony.
Lion Bob Goulding sponsor of Kim Pressley and Lion Dick Crawford sponsor of Thomas Digati and Ashley Digati. Welcome to our new members!!

GI Lions Summer Activities:
BOD Meeting:  06/26/2019 6 PM at Howard Hanna
July 4th Parade
Special Kids Picnic:  July 17, 2019
Members Picnic: July 20, time to be announced on Lion Anne and Bob Fahning’s boat 2186 East River Rd
White Cane Drive: August 16 and 17th, 2019
Merritton Labor Day Parade:  September 2, 2019.

Benediction:  Calvin Vandermey

Motion to adjourn Lion Shelia, seconded by Lion Bob -Meeting Adjourned:  9:20 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
September 11, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. 

Pledge led by Lion Tom W, Patriotic song, Lion Kelly, Lions Prayer, Lion Dick and Lion Anne
Kelly McGarvey, Rick Jachimiak, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Kim Presley, Bob Goulding, Dave Chervinsky, Anne Fahning, Ashley Digati, Ann Ryan, Tom Rusert, Tom Butler, Shelia Ferrentino, Brad Bowman, Dick Crawford, Tom Witkowski and Donna Lavallee,

Motion to release the Tail Twister, Lion Annette seconded by Lion Dick.
Introduction of guests Brad Bowman, Lion Rick Jachimiak LCIG District coordinator for Lions 20N

50/50 Lion Bob Goulding selected $21 silver nugget selected, the pot builds.

Committee Reports:
White Cane:  Lion Anne: we raised $2356, Ideas for increased revenue would be placing a team on the corner of Long and GI Blvd. Lions, Anne, Dave, Dick, Shelia, Tom and Peggy Butler, Bob Goulding Tom Witkowski, Kelly Mc Garvey, Sarah Sweeney and Paul Bassette participated.

Spaghetti Dinner:
We need to pick a date for the 2020 dinner, 4/27/2020, 2 weeks after Easter, would be good for the club and Lion Dick will check with the Radisson. Alternative date; 4/20/2020.

Meetings dates: Future meetings are in the newsletter.  The only meeting that is new is at the GI Welcome Center in March 11, dessert is available get there before 6:30 to purchase dessert and any beverage that you would like. Merritton at the Moose Oct 23, 2019. 

Suggestions for topics of meeting presentations:  Mike Yost, Global membership team for 20N, GI wide service club meeting, also the Lions SEE program, to promote the updates for this program. Presentation on the Erie Canal.

There are slots on the committees that need to be filled for new members to see what they may be interested in. Lion Anne Ryan would like to serve on the White Cane.

Liaison to Merritton: Lion Fred used to do this, Lion Annette has contacted Lion Glenn.

State Convention:  The convention will be in Buffalo this year May 1-3 at the downtown Hyatt with an ice breaker on April 30th.  The convention needs volunteers, registration table on all 4 days, to take money take tags, meal tickets. Goody bag items, up to a 1000 items each are needed. Family Justice Center will be collecting items; gift cards, paper products. Pin design is needed for the 2020 convention.  Decorators for the Saturday night party, program book ads are available in many different sizes from $25- $1000. Registration are due before 12/31/19 before prices increase. Contact numbers will be in the newsletter. 

Presentation:  Lion Rick Jachimiak: Presenting on LCIF founded in 1917 with 1.3 million members internationally, each club follows the same protocol. NYS Bermuda Foundation for MD 20, grants were 447k last year. LCIF is 501c3; focus areas are vision, sight first 1 and sight first 2, youth to counteract bullying, disaster relief for floods, hurricane tsunami relief. Grants were given out worldwide of 52 million dollars. Members were encouraged to contribute to LCIF any money amount is accepted.
Lion Dick: Monetary donation from a family for a donation from the loan closet.  Wheelchairs are needed. Maybe we can advertise in the dispatch and isle de grande that we are in need of wheelchairs.  Loan closet committee members are Dick, Tom R, Sarah Sweeney and Dave Chervinsky. 

We are in need of a Lion Tamer as Lion Fred has relocated. Lion Kim volunteered to be the Lion Tamer.

Lion Tom: Thanked everyone who brought food for the GI Neighbors Foundation.  This is ongoing collection. 

Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Kelly; 
• Pins from LCIF for bringing in new members: a silver award: Dave Chervinsky for Adrian Cassata, Diamond award to Lion Henry Lobl for Lion Tom DiJohn a 3 year member, Gold Tom Witkowski for 2 year member Cindy Sharpe.

Treasurers report:  Lion Tom W. The balances for the general and welfare accounts were reviewed.  All members received a copy of the report via email. 
Accounts were reviewed for new members.
Motion to accept the budget Lion Annette, seconded Lion Tom B, all in favor, motion passed.

For the Good of the Club:

Lion Bob:  if anyone does not have the new pins, see Lion Bob. Business cards are also available.

Lion Dick will get name badges for new members, Lion Ashley Digati, Lion Kim Presley, Lion Tom Digati, Lion Brad Bowman.

Lion Tom will be sending an email for a list of possible donated goods to go to Jericho Road Center for refugees.

Lion Tom B, motion to adjourn, seconded by Lion Tom W, meeting adjourned.  8:41 PM.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island lions Club Meeting
Buffalo Launch Club September 25,2019

Attending: Paul Bassette, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Anne Ryan, Bob Goulding, Kimberly Pressley, Tom Butler,, Henry and Annette Lobl, Kelly Mc Garvey, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski.
LP Anne called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Anne Ryan introduced her guest, Gloria Wise, who is requesting to be a new member,
Tom Witkowski introduced Maggie Nichols from Jericho Community Center- Vive who will speak..
LP Anne made a motion to release the tail twister.
50/50 Draw. The following names were drawn Paul Krupa, Norm Hahn, Pat Patterson, Jerry Dubiel not present. Bob Goulding picked the silver nugget, No winner,
Committee Reports:
1, Treasurer’s Report Tom W. sent via e-mail and accepted
 2, Scholarship- Paul Bassette
Application is being reviewed to revise by Paul and Mark Frentzel. The one winner of $1500 has not verified her attendance at college, Paul will attempt to contact her this week for verification.
3, Corresponding Secretary report: Kelly reported that we received a thank-you from Empire State Games for this donation. And a request from SABA for a donation which was referred to the Board..
4. Spaghetti Dinner Dick Crawford reported April 20. 2020 was confirmed by the Radisson as the date for
5.President-LP Anne reported that $100 is being donated to the district for the membership campaign.
6. Badges-dick is looking into new badges as the current type is being phased out.
7. Membership Paul a number of projects which could increase membership which is community based. Service projects one for the Fall and one for the spring would be advisable. Anne Ryan discussed the Service Committee in the Virginia Club she just came from. Anne Ryan agreed to be the Chairman of this Committee with the initial members of Kim, Kelly, and Tom W. and LP Anne.
 Vive Program:  Maggie talked about Jericho Community Health center with Vive being a program of this center. Vive houses 120 refugees and assists them in relocating or finding homes in the area. She described the difference between refugees and asylum seekers. She talked about the travel route these people take to get to the United States. These people pay family members or friends who have made the route. Maggie and her family came to the West Side of Buffalo from the Congo via Kenya when she was 8 years old. She thanked all for the donations.
Motion to adjourn by Annette, 2nd by Tom Butler.

Submitted by Annette Lobl

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting October 09, 2019

Attendance:  16 in attendance Anne Fahning, Kim Pressley, Shelia Ferrentino, Dick Crawford, Tom Witkowski, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Bob Goulding, Ann Ryan, Tom Russert, Kelly McGarvey, Paul Bassette, Paul Krupa, guest Lion Aaron Dey from Olcott Lions Club
Lion President Anne Fahning called the meeting to order at 7:05PM.  Lion Kim led the pledge to the flag, Lion Bob led us in patriotic song, Lion Paul B led us in prayer
Motion to release the Tail Twister Lion Annette seconded by Lion Tom R

The Pot was $35, Lion Paul Krupa drew a silver nugget. The pot continues

Correspondence:  Invite to “Eyes on America” dinner on 10/25 hosted by the Atwal Eye Center. Tickets are $65 or $125/couple.
Committee Reports:
Treasurers Report: Report was distributed via email. Motion to accept Lion Annette, seconded Lion Paul B. All in favor.

Service project possibilities: Lion Ann Ryan:
2 possibilities:
1. Road clean up: possible date 10/26
2. Under garment collection aligned “Save the Michaels”.
3. Possible service project at the local nursing home. Lion Shelia will contact Lion Tom DiJohn and he will check with the activities director.
4. Attending a special Olympics event, at either the Miracle League field or another event.

Lion Shelia: Possibility of a biannual Health Fair

Presentation:  Lion Aaron Dey from the Olcott Lions Club speaking about Digital Marketing of your Lions Club.
• Word of mouth, for our events 6-8 year
• Social media helps promote the club and the club’s events
• Marketing through social media especially with pictures, sharing and hashtags.
• Top 10 reasons were shared and digital marketing leaflet was distributed.
• Clubs need to implement, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube. These social media avenues allow the community to see what the club is all about as well as the service we provide.  It is important to share and engage, take videos.

Meeting Adjourned 8:50 PM
Next general meeting will be October 23, 2019 at The Moose
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


 Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting October 23, 2019

 Attendance: Anne Fahning, Shelia Ferrentino, Dick Crawford, Tom Witkowski, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl,. Bob Goulding, Dan Morabito, Tom Butler, Ashley Digati, Kelly McGarvey, Tom Rusert, 10 guests from Merritton Lions Club
 Lion President Anne Fahning called the meeting to order at 6:50 PM.  Lion Dave C led the pledge to the flag. We all joined in the nation’s patriotic songs, Lion Paul B led us in prayer
 Committee reports:
Lion Paul B, he needs Peace Poster judge volunteers.
Dr. John Montague will present to the club on the history of the Erie Canal in May 2020
Lion Dick: Adopt a highway clean up this month, 2x/year cleaning a roadway on GI as a service club.  Suggestions are Staley at Tim Hortons, Rite Aid to Sidway. We are thinking Saturday morning for a couple of hours. We need to pick a date, November 2 at 9 AM we can meet at the old Adrian’s.  Lion Tom W will arrange for insurance. An email will go out to the membership for participation.
Miracle League Number 2 will be built in Depew.  They have been in contact with Lion Tom W and he will assist in filing the grant to raise the necessary funds.
Newsletter from the Freedom Guide Dogs
Opportunity for raffle tickets for the Bermuda Lions, this is in our budget and we will purchase the 3 enclosed tickets.  This will be drawn at the NYS convention on May 2, 2020.
Lion Dave: key pin award for recruiting 2 sustaining members, Adrienne Cassata and Brooks Rimes.
 Lion Bob Goulding: Lion Bob shared some funnies.
 Raffle:  We raffled off some extra meals for $6 and raffle with blue tickets.
 Motion to adjourn Lion Annette, seconded Lion Dave
 Meeting Adjourned 8:01 PM
Next general meeting will be November 13, 2019 place to be determined
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
November 13, 2019

Attendance: 16 in attendance; Henry Lobl, Paul Krupa, Anne Fahning, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Butler, Tom Witkowski, Tom Rusert, Donna Lavallee, Kelly McGarvey, Bob Goulding, Kim Pressley, Anne Ryan, potential member Gloria Wise, and guest Mike Hoplight

Lion President Anne Fahning called the meeting to order at 7: 07PM.
Lion Tom R led the club in the pledge to the flag.
Lion Donna led the club in a patriotic song,
Lion Dick Crawford led us in an invocation.

50/50 draw in the 50/50 there is $43.  Looking for a golden nugget. Lion Kim was selected.  She selected a silver nugget.

Committee reports:
• Correspondence:  Lion Kelly: Requests from
• Hopeful ways Nicaragua, SPCA, these will be discussed at the Board meeting.
• Lewiston Lions Leapyear Lotto goes by NYS lottery numbers, $10/ticket we have 5 tickets, members can buy.
• The Braille Group of Buffalo, this item is in the budget.
• 2 thank you notes from NYS Bermuda Lions club raffle tickets, Mercy Flight thank you for donation.
• Patch for support of Leos Leadership Forum clubs in the USA and Canada. Lion Kim will attach to banner
• Idea for getting new members engaged with all information about the club, things to get involved in, things that we do as a club.  Orientation ideas for new members.  Lion Anne Ryan had some ideas, Lion Tom W will help. They will get together with the newest members for coffee.
• Ideas for fundraisers: Pancake Breakfast, Hot dog sale, Seal Drive, (buy a stamp for a contribution, Sale a Taste of GI, Raffle gift cards for GI business, Maximize matching grants from LCIF.
• Holiday Party:  Lion Tom, Lion Kim and Lion Annette will coordinate.  The party is at the BLC, guests are invited.

Presentation: Lion Mike Hoplight from The town of Niagara Lions Club.  Presenting on Veterans Initiatives:  Mike highlighted all of the ways someone can serve the veterans either at the VA or other opportunities at shelters throughout Erie and Niagara County.There are 53k veterans in WNY.

New member induction:  Gloria Wise, sponsored by Anne Ryan:  Lion Dick conducted the ceremony.

For the Good of the Club:
Where your Lions Club emblem from Lion Bob
Lion Anne Ryan will like to take over the Facebook page.
Lion Dick wanted to see a show of hands on who can help dismantle a fence, he will send an email.  Perhaps on Sunday
Notice from Lion Donna about the Family Justice Center progress that will be moving into the old parsonage of Trinity Church on Whitehaven

Motion to adjourn Lion Paul K seconded Lion Dave meeting adjourned 8:55 PM. Board meeting to follow.

Next general meeting will be the Christmas Party December 11, 2019 at the BLC
